When you've filled the progress bar, you can press the bottom-right-corner button to progress to the next stage.

As a sub-goal, there are six parts that you can collect, and you'll want to get them all before progressing to the next stage of evolution. If you're a carnivore, you can find meat bits floating and you can also kill other creatures to create food bits to consume. If you're an herbivore, focus on eating the little green bits floating around. To fill the progress bar as a cell, you need to feed and grow.

stageĪs you'll find in all stages, the core goal is to completely fill your progress bar that appears at the bottom of the screen. Here's a brief breakdown of each stage of evolution to get you started in the right direction. The first two stages of Spore-the cell stage and the creature stage-are pretty well self-explained, though once you hit the tribal stage it can get kinda difficult to fully grasp the new goals of the game.